Arthritis in Columbia MO

Lordex Spine center of Columbia specializes in treating Arthritis in Columbia MO.
What is Arthritis of the spine in Columbia MO?
Arthritis of the spine is a breakdown of the cartilage of the joints and discs in the neck and lower back. Sometimes, arthritis produces spurs that put pressure on the nerves leaving the spinal column. This can cause weakness and pain in the arms or legs.
Arthritis happens as people age, yet younger people may get it from arthritis from injury or trauma to a joint, a genetic defect involving cartilage, or by a condition that makes the joint lose its proper formation.
Arthritis of the spine may cause stiffness or pain in the neck or back.
Arthritis of the spine can be treated by Lordex Spine Center of Columbia. Our licensed Chiropractic clinicians use a series of non-surgical techniques, including the lordex lumbar spinal decompression system to reduce or, in most cases, eliminate your pain.
Our programs combine strengthening exercises and physical therapy to give you the pain-free life you deserve.
7:30am - 5:30pm
7:30am - 5:30pm
7:30am - 5:30pm
7:30am - 5:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
Lordex Spine Center Of Columbia
3400 Buttonwood Dr Ste C
Columbia, MO 65201
P: (573) 443-0551
F: (573) 442-2959